Monday, January 16, 2006

The New Blog on AT&T

Last week I wrote a blog critiquing the New, New, New AT&T advertising campaign and it occurred to me that I made an error. Not a big one mind you, but an error nonetheless and I wouldn’t want to ever be accused of spreading non-truths. Stay with me on this one.

I pretty much wrote that I thought the $100 million advertising campaign relaunching the new, new, new, and really new AT&T was a complete waste of money. For example, why spend all of that money in the New York market when pretty much the brand name was still recognizable. If you wanted to spend that kind of money, it should have just been spent in SBC territories. Look at all of the red spots on the map; that’s pretty far away from the New York market!!! You also could have saved the money for the inevitable rebranding of Cingular back to AT&T Wireless.

Anyway, all day long you can’t turn on ESPN Radio without hearing that the show was brought to you buy, the really, really, really new AT&T and everywhere you look on the internet you can find an AT&T ad. Heck, the only place that is safe is watching Josie and the Pussycats reruns on the Boom Network with my kids.

BTW – which one is your favorite Pussycat? My favorite was Melody – kind of an early version of Chrissy Snow.

Oops sorry about the diversion. So, I did make an error in describing the campaign as a complete waste of time. It is not. The new, new, new, new, really – I promise it is new AT&T is a complete win for the media agency, publishers, newspapers, radio shows, heck anyone that has advertising space to sell is winning out on this campaign. I even had an ad on my blog, but I didn't get any money from it because none of you readers clicked on the ad. Shame on You!!!

The folks that got any slice of this media buy (except for me) will have a great quarter and I hope some of my friends did make their 1st quarter – oops what am I talking about, 2006 goal in the first month of the year. Congratulations – now go switch jobs before someone asks you to beat out your 2006 numbers.

That’s if for today. Welcome to the new, new, new, new, new, new, new




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